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Freies WLAN im Kreis Pinneberg





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fastd [06.12.2015 05:37] havelockfastd [01.10.2016 09:13] havelock
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
 ====== fastd ====== ====== fastd ======
-In Bearbeitung!+TODO In Bearbeitung!
 Dokumentation: Dokumentation:
Zeile 9: Zeile 9:
 Vorarbeiten  Vorarbeiten 
 +aptitude install build-essential pkg-config cmake doxygen bison libsodium-dev libjson-c-dev libcap-dev
-  aptitude install build-essential pkg-config cmake doxygen+Voraussetzung ist [[libuecc]], dieses muß vorab gebaut und installiert werden.
 +Compilieren von fastd
 +git clone git://
 +cd fastd
 +git checkout v17
 +cd ..
 +mkdir fastd-build
 +cd fastd-build
 +cmake ../fastd
 +make install
 +<file conf /etc/default/fastd>
 +# This is the configuration file for /etc/init.d/fastd
 +# Start only these VPNs automatically via init script.
 +# Allowed values are "all", "none" or space separated list of
 +# names of the VPNs. If empty, "all" is assumed.
 +++++ Init-Script für fastd |
 +<file sh /etc/init.d/fastd>
 +#!/bin/sh -e
 +# Provides:          fastd
 +# Required-Start:    $network $remote_fs $syslog
 +# Required-Stop:     $network $remote_fs $syslog
 +# Should-Start:      network-manager
 +# Should-Stop:       network-manager
 +# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
 +# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
 +# Short-Description: Fast and Secure Tunneling Daemon
 +# Description:       This script will start fastd tunnels as specified
 +#                    in /etc/default/fastd and /etc/fastd/*/fastd.conf
 +# Derived from the OpenVPN init script
 +# Original version by Robert Leslie
 +# <>, edited by iwj and cs
 +# Modified for openvpn by Alberto Gonzalez Iniesta <>
 +# Modified for restarting / starting / stopping single tunnels by Richard Mueller <>
 +# Modified for fastd by Nils Schneider <>
 +# Beautified by Thomas Hooge <>
 +. /lib/lsb/init-functions
 +test $DEBIAN_SCRIPT_DEBUG && set -v -x
 +DESC="Fast and Secure Tunneling Daemon"
 +# Exit if the package is not installed
 +[ -x "$DAEMON" ] || exit 0
 +# Exit if the configuration directory is not existent
 +[ -d $CONFIG_DIR ] || exit 0
 +# Source defaults file; edit that file to configure this script.
 +if test -e /etc/default/$NAME ; then
 + . /etc/default/$NAME
 +if [ ! -d /var/run/fastd ]; then
 +    mkdir /var/run/fastd/
 +    chown fastd. /var/run/fastd
 +start_vpn () {
 + STATUS=0  
 + start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --oknodo \
 + --pidfile /var/run/fastd/$ \
 + --make-pidfile \
 + --background \
 + --exec $DAEMON -- \
 + --syslog-level info \
 + --config $CONFIG_DIR/$INSTANCE/fastd.conf \
 + || STATUS=1
 +stop_vpn () {
 + kill `cat $PIDFILE` || true
 + rm -f $PIDFILE
 + log_end_msg 0 
 +case "$1" in 
 +  start)  
 + log_action_begin_msg "Starting $DESC"
 + # autostart fastds
 + if test -z "$2" ; then
 + # check if automatic startup is disabled by AUTOSTART=none
 + if test "x$AUTOSTART" = "xnone" -o -z "$AUTOSTART" ; then
 + log_warning_msg "  Autostart disabled, no $NAME will be started."
 + exit 0
 + fi
 + if test -z "$AUTOSTART" -o "x$AUTOSTART" = "xall" ; then
 + # all fastds shall be started automatically
 + for CONFIG in `cd $CONFIG_DIR; ls */fastd.conf 2> /dev/null`; do
 + INSTANCE=${CONFIG%%/fastd.conf}
 + log_daemon_msg "  Autostarting $NAME '$INSTANCE'"
 + start_vpn
 + done
 + else
 + # start only specified fastds
 + for INSTANCE in $AUTOSTART ; do
 + if test -e $CONFIG_DIR/$INSTANCE/fastd.conf ; then 
 + log_daemon_msg "  Autostarting $NAME '$INSTANCE'"
 + start_vpn
 + else
 + log_failure_msg "  Autostarting $NAME '$INSTANCE': missing $CONFIG_DIR/$INSTANCE/fastd.conf file!"
 + fi
 + done
 + fi
 + #start fastds from command line
 + else
 + while shift ; do
 + [ -z "$1" ] && break
 + if test -e $CONFIG_DIR/$INSTANCE/fastd.conf ; then
 + log_daemon_msg "  Starting $NAME '$INSTANCE'"   
 + start_vpn
 + else
 + log_failure_msg "  Starting $NAME '$INSTANCE': missing $CONFIG_DIR/$INSTANCE/fastd.conf file!"
 + fi
 + done
 + fi
 + log_end_msg ${STATUS:-0}
 + ;;
 +  stop)
 + log_action_begin_msg "Stopping $DESC"
 + if test -z "$2" ; then
 + for PIDFILE in `ls /var/run/fastd/*.pid 2> /dev/null`; do
 + INSTANCE=`echo $PIDFILE | cut -c16-`
 + log_daemon_msg "  Stopping $NAME '$INSTANCE'"
 + stop_vpn
 + done
 + if test -z "$PIDFILE" ; then
 + log_warning_msg "  No $NAME is running."
 + fi
 + else
 + while shift ; do
 + [ -z "$1" ] && break
 + if test -e /var/run/fastd/$ ; then
 + log_daemon_msg "  Stopping $NAME '$1'"
 + PIDFILE=`ls /var/run/fastd/$ 2> /dev/null`
 + INSTANCE=`echo $PIDFILE | cut -c16-`
 + stop_vpn
 + else
 + log_failure_msg "  Stopping $NAME '$1': No such $NAME is running."
 + fi
 + done
 + fi
 + ;;
 +  restart)
 + shift 
 + $0 stop ${@}
 + sleep 1
 + $0 start ${@}
 + ;;
 +  status)
 + if test -z "$2" ; then
 + # We want status for all defined fastd.
 + # Returns success if all autostarted fastds are defined and running
 + if test "x$AUTOSTART" = "xnone" ; then
 + # Consider it a failure if AUTOSTART=none
 + log_warning_msg "No fastds autostarted"
 + else
 + if ! test -z "$AUTOSTART" -o "x$AUTOSTART" = "xall" ; then
 + # Consider it a failure if one of the autostarted fastd is not defined
 + for VPN in $AUTOSTART ; do
 + if ! test -f $CONFIG_DIR/$VPN/fastd.conf ; then
 + log_warning_msg "fastd '$VPN' is in AUTOSTART but is not defined"
 + fi
 + done
 + fi
 + fi
 + for CONFIG in `cd $CONFIG_DIR; ls */fastd.conf 2> /dev/null`; do
 + INSTANCE=${CONFIG%%/fastd.conf}
 + # Is it an autostarted fastd?
 + if test -z "$AUTOSTART" -o "x$AUTOSTART" = "xall" ; then
 + else
 + if test "x$AUTOSTART" = "xnone" ; then
 + else
 + for VPN in $AUTOSTART; do
 + if test "x$VPN" = "x$NAME" ; then
 + fi
 + done
 + fi
 + fi  
 + if test "x$AUTOVPN" = "x1" ; then
 + # If it is autostarted, then it contributes to global status
 + status_of_proc -p /var/run/fastd/${INSTANCE}.pid $NAME "$NAME '${INSTANCE}'" || GLOBAL_STATUS=1
 + else
 + status_of_proc -p /var/run/fastd/${INSTANCE}.pid $NAME "$NAME '${INSTANCE}' (non autostarted)" || true
 + fi
 + done
 + else
 + # We just want status for specified fastd.
 + # Returns success if all specified fastds are defined and running
 + while shift ; do
 + [ -z "$1" ] && break
 + if test -e $CONFIG_DIR/$INSTANCE/fastd.conf ; then
 + # Config exists
 + status_of_proc -p /var/run/fastd/${INSTANCE}.pid $NAME "$NAME '${INSTANCE}'" || GLOBAL_STATUS=1
 + else
 + # Config does not exist
 + log_warning_msg "$NAME '$INSTANCE': missing $CONFIG_DIR/$INSTANCE/fastd.conf file!"
 + fi
 + done
 + fi
 + ;;
 +  *)
 + echo "Usage: $SCRIPTNAME {start|stop|restart|status}" >&2
 + exit 1
 + ;;
 +exit 0
fastd.txt · Zuletzt geändert: 16.07.2017 19:32 von havelock